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  1. Mbororo begin repatriating to Central African Republic

    27 January 2012 25 January 2012 – A first group of 17 Mbororo nomads left Wau in South Sudan's Western Bahr El-Ghazal State today to be repatriated to the Central African Republic (CAR).

  2. UN Mission initiates building of Joint Integrated Police post in Juba Checkpoint community

    9 March 2018... area safe enough for displaced people to want to return to their homes. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan ...

  3. Greater Kajo-Keji hosts ghost towns and hibernating villages as fear and insecurity prevail

    23 March 2018 Kajo-Keji is no longer the bustling town it used to be. Most of its residents have fled to refugee camps in Uganda and are not daring to return home. Greater Kajo-Keji, consisting of the four counties of Nyep...

  4. UNMISS engineers renovate Abiemnhom Hospital to support the fight against COVID-19

    7 May 2020... Mongolian peacekeepers serving with UNMISS used their engineering expertise to renovate the Abiemnhom Hospital which was in ...

  5. Communities in Kuron Peace Village welcome handover of an UNMISS-funded secondary school

    1 September 2020 UNMISS and local implementing partner Ateker Foundation-South Sudan hand over the first secondary school in Kuron, Eastern Equatoria. The construction of the school block was funded by the mission's Quick Impact Projects programme...

  6. UN peacekeepers provide Wau civil servants with free medical services

    17 May 2019 A civil servant in Wau enjoying free medical service provided by UN peacekeepers. The United Nations Mission Bangladeshi peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan have offered free m...

  7. Abducted children returned to Bor County

    22 May 2015... children and women as well as raided cattle are returned to their families and ...

  8. NGO hands over emergency schools to Bentiu town

    2 December 2015 To provide education for children who lost access to school facilities as a result of conflict, a local non-governmental organization (NGO) handed over temporary learning spaces to the government i

  9. Displaced persons in Mingkaman call for increased humanitarian assistance

    7 February 2018 People seeking shelter at protection sites in Mingkaman in the Greater Lakes region decry what they call “funding gaps” and call on the international community to alleviate the humanitarian crisis

  10. UN trains police in crime investigation

    27 September 2011... police officers yesterday in the capital of Juba to build their capacities in crime aw ...
