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  1. Bangladeshi peacekeepers win hearts and minds through free medical services

    5 December 2023 Peacekeepers from Bangladesh serving with UNMISS held a free medical camp for patients residing at Naivasha Internally Displaced Persons’ site in Wau. Photo by Jimmy Ludanga/UNMISS. WESTERN BAHR EL GH...

  2. South Sudan has progressed, but setbacks remain, Ban says

    10 July 2013 20 June 2013 - South Sudan has progressed over the past few months, but several setbacks, including the deteriorating security situation in Jonglei State, could undermine steps forward, Secretary-G

  3. UNMISS facilitates CTBPS training for SSNPS 777 response units

    12 February 2016 Establishing an improved security environment that will ensure safe return of IDPs, South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) completed the Confidence and Trust Building Policing Strategy (CTBPS)

  4. UNMISS honors fallen Indian peacekeepers

    10 April 2013 10 April 2013 - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for South Sudan, Hilde F.

  5. UNMISS chief visits Malakal

    10 March 2015 10 March, 2015- The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) and head of UNMISS Ellen Margrethe Loej, and the U.S.

  6. Tentative calm returns to Yei

    6 December 2016 The UNMISS convoy on its way to Yei to meet local stakeholders. The Governor of Yei River State, David Lonkonga Moses, says the state has enjoyed at least a fortnight of relative quiet because of measures his...

  7. Peacekeeping chief calls for political solution to crisis

    3 February 2014 3 February 2014 - There could be no other solution to the crisis in South Sudan than a political one, UN peacekeeping operations chief Herve Ladsous said in Juba today.

  8. Parliamentary hearings on South Sudan media bills open

    6 November 2012 1 November 2012 - South Sudanese journalists and representatives of local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) today criticized two key provisions in an information bill at a public hearing in Jub

  9. Massive UNMISS donation offers new hope to resource-deprived hospital in Bor

    14 May 2019... UN peacekeepers received a certificate of appreciation for their donation of vital supplies to the main hospital in Bor. ...

  10. Bridge repair by Thai peacekeeping engineers provides a lifeline for communities in Lakes region

    14 January 2020 Bridges are lifelines, connecting people. This one in Lakes has been repaired by UNMISS engineers. A simple task of meshing together metal pallets and bars to repair a broken bridge has provided a lifeline fo...
