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  1. Two-day conference between Sudanese and South Sudanese on cattle migration concludes in Renk

    3 January 2023 A two-day conference between settled farming communities in Upper Nile, South Sudan, and herders from Sudan, have led to fruitful discussions and a decision to take collective responsibility to ensure peaceful, conflict-free seaso...

  2. SRSG Nicholas Haysom’s supporting brief for the AUPSC Statement by the Trilateral Taskforce

    27 February 2024 [NEAR VERBATIM]

  3. Transforming Yambio from a “CULTURE OF WAR TO A CULTURE OF PEACE”

    17 August 2017 TRANSFORMING YAMBIO FROM A “CULTURE OF WAR TO A CULTURE OF PEACE” Fresh moves are underway to revive the stalled integration of thousands of former rebel fighters into South Sudan’s regular military force...

  4. Women in Malakal lobby for equal rights to own land and participate in governance

    11 March 2022 In Malakal, local women's representatives make a strong case for enforcement of the 35 per cent women's representation in governance, decision-making and leadership roles, during a discussion held on the margins of International W...

  5. Given escalating violence in the UN Protection site in Malakal, UNMISS reinforces presence of peacekeepers

    8 June 2023... and more than 20 others injured, as conflict erupted in the early hours of the morning between two displaced communities sheltering in the ...

  6. UNMISS renovates primary school in Mayom as the UN Secretary-General launches new policy brief on education

    17 August 2020 UNMISS, through a Quick Impact Project, has made it possible for students in Mayom, Unity State, to access education by handing over a fully renovated primary school. The project was actioned by the mission’s Relief, Reintegration...

  7. UNMISS airs radio discussion on COVID-19 prevention in Bor

    28 April 2020 Hand washing and social distancing demonstrated in Bor, where many people have a hard time complying with COVID-19 prevention measures. A culturally shaped combination of politeness, sociability and stubb...

  8. UN projects will improve law and order in Malakal

    5 July 2017 UNMISS hands over the newly  renovated police and court facilities in the Upper Nile region  to local authorities. 

  9. UNMISS peacekeepers hand over prosthetic limbs, changing the lives of long-suffering veterans

    28 July 2022 A woman in Bor receives an artificial leg years after she lost her own. The Indian peacekeepers helped many in a similar situation by distributing prosthetic limbs. Photos: Mach Samuel & Gideon Sackitey/UNMISS ...

  10. Wildfire kills one and leaves hundreds homeless in Nzara County, Western Equatoria

    26 February 2020 People affected by a wildfire in Nzara County seeking shelter under a mango tree that escaped unscathed. A wildfire has ravaged Nzara County in Western Equatoria, killing one person and leaving hundreds homel...
