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  1. UNMISS Chinese hospital trains nursing students in Wau

    11 May 2012 8 May 2012 - To upgrade the skills of student nurses in Wau, Western Bahr El-Ghazal State, UNMISS Chinese hospital held a one-day seminar today for 30 students of Mary Help Nursing College.

  2. South Sudanese stranded in Kosti returning home

    15 May 2012 15 May 2012 - An estimated 12,000 South Sudanese will be airlifted from Khartoum to Juba and provided with humanitarian assistance when they arrive, a top UN official said today.

  3. Health summit opens in Upper Nile

    23 May 2012 21 May 2012 - Aiming to strengthen the health system in Upper Nile State, especially in remote areas, a two-day health summit opened today in the capital Malakal.

  4. Longochuk County now calm, official says

    24 May 2012 22 May 2012 - Upper Nile State's Longochuk County was calm following recent cattle raiding and disputes, but armed pastoralists had been seen in the area, a local official said today.

  5. Ban welcomes talks between Sudan and South Sudan

    25 May 2012 24 May 2012 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the announcement of the Sudanese and South Sudanese governments to resume talks in Addis Ababa next week.

  6. Anyuaks mark refugee day in Malakal

    20 June 2012 20 June 2012 - Refugees in Dengershufu camp, Upper Nile State, celebrated World Refugee Day today with acrobatic feats, tugs of war and traditional dances.

  7. Armed group attacks Radio Jonglei FM

    5 July 2012 4 July 2012 - A group of unknown armed men attacked a Jonglei radio station yesterday evening, injuring no one but looting vital production equipment, the station said.

  8. UNMISS trains HIV/AIDS counsellors in Bor

    17 July 2012 14 July 2012- To create a network of experts and assist South Sudan in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS, UNMISS and UNICEF concluded a 16-day training in the Jonglei State capital of Bor.

  9. UNMISS signs Memorandum of Understanding to train SSNPS

    17 August 2012 17 August 2012 – UNMISS and the national Ministry of Interior signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in the capital Juba today on the transformation of the South Sudan National Police Service (

  10. UNMISS raises awareness of role in Wau

    22 August 2012 21 August 2012 - Aiming to spread awareness of its role in South Sudan, UNMISS held an outreach event today at a university in the Western Bahr El-Ghazal State capital of Wau.
