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  1. SRSG meets leading South Sudanese personalities

    30 August 2012 28 August 2012 - Leading South Sudanese personalities and opinion leaders gathered in Juba with Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General Hilde F.

  2. SPLA soldiers to boost hunt for LRA rebels

    19 September 2012 18 September 2012 - To assist in hunting down Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels, some 2,500 soldiers from the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) today

  3. UNMISS engineers provide housing for returnees’ transit camp

    21 September 2012 20 September 2012 - Agilo Akol bubbled with excitement as the UNMISS Japanese engineers handed over two new buildings to the UN refugee agency's way station today in Juba.

  4. UNMISS repairs grounded ambulances in Unity State

    27 September 2012 24 September 2012 - Recognizing the urgent need for medical transport in Unity State, UNMISS Mongolian battalion engineers repaired out-of-service ambulances at Bentiu Hospital today.

  5. Malakal civil society trained in economic rights

    1 October 2012 28 September 2012 - In helping to ensure that governments acted wisely in such areas as budget allocation, UNMISS Human Rights today completed a two-day training in related human rights for Upper N

  6. United Nations calls to end child marriage in South Sudan, Juba, 12, October 2012

    11 October 2012... communities and governments at all levels to end child marriage i ...

  7. Police hand out emergency numbers in Bentiu

    12 November 2012 11 November 2012 - To make reporting crimes easier in Bentiu, Unity State, UN Police and the South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) distributed leaflets with 24-hour emergency phone numbers to

  8. SRSG Johnson visits Upper Nile State, discusses security

    14 November 2012 13 November 2012 - The Upper Nile government had assured her that plans were in place to prevent conflicts in the state with the onset of the dry season, UNMISS head Hilde F.

  9. Malakal officers sensitized on prison development plan

    29 November 2012... 28 November 2012 - To enlighten prison officers about their service's Strategic Development Plan, UNMISS conducted a one-day ...

  10. All South Sudanese must uphold human rights, official says

    7 December 2012 7 December 2012 - The one thing South Sudanese must uphold was protection of human rights, which represented the liberation they sought, a senior government official said in Juba today.
