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  1. UNMISS holds workshop on traditional and formal law in Bor

    13 May 2013 10 May 2013 - Rule of law was vital in building a legislative framework to tackle root causes of conflict and strengthen peace, an UNMISS official said in the Jonglei State capital Bor today.

  2. UN agencies assist Malakal prisoners

    15 May 2013... 14 May 2013 - Seeking to improve their living conditions, UNMISS and the UN refugee agency in Upper Nile State ...

  3. First batch of immigration officers graduate in South Sudan

    22 May 2013 21 May 2013 - The first batch of 371 South Sudan National Police Service immigration officers graduated today in a ceremony at Juba Stadium after six months of intensive training.

  4. Sudanese nomads and Unity hosts agree on compensation, courts

    27 May 2013... nomads currently grazing in Unity state have agreed with their hosts to pay compensation of 75 cattle for intentional killing and 50 for ...

  5. School presentations in Bentiu

    27 May 2013... attending presentations by peacekeepers in Bentiu on their countries of origin – Philippines, Mongolia and Bangladesh – in ...

  6. UNMISS giving free veterinary lectures at Jonglei university

    10 June 2013 10 June 2013 - Recognizing the desperate shortage of trained teachers at Jonglei State's only university, UNMISS has been providing the Bor institution with free veterinary classes.

  7. UNHCR and partners relocate refugees in Upper Nile

    18 June 2013 17 June 17 2013 - An operation to relocate more than 18,000 refugees from a flood-prone camp in Upper Nile to a new site has been successfully completed ahead of schedule, according to a statement

  8. World Refugee Day

    20 June 2013... and determination of men, women and children forced to flee their homelands under threat of persecution, conflict and violence. ...

  9. Day in Support of Victims of Torture

    26 June 2013 A drama group in Bentiu, Unity State, performing in a play about torture. The Day in Support of Victims of Torture, a crime under international law, is commemorated on 26 June.

  10. South Sudan to join global drive to eliminate malnutrition

    26 June 2013... committed to joining other countries in a concerted campaign against malnutrition, Deputy Minister of Health Dr. ...
