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  1. UNESCO trains South Sudan journalists on conflict-sensitive reporting

    8 February 2017 A few of the 51 radio journalists from around the country who participated in UNESCO's training on conflict-sensitive reporting. Last week UNESCO trained 51 radio journalists from around the country on confli...

  2. Rule of law actors in Eastern Equatoria agree reducing crime is top priority at forum organized by UNMISS, UNDP

    6 August 2020 The police component of UNMISS and UNDP jointly organized a forum on crime prevention in Torit, Eastern Equatoria. Reports of increased criminality and organized gangs in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, put...

  3. National Women’s Peace Forum

    19 April 2016 Twenty women who represent civil society across South Sudan gathered for the National Women Peace Forum to review the status of implementation of recommendations from the last year and to discuss a

  4. Partners for Peace: UNMISS marks International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

    27 May 2022 Today, at the UNMISS headquarters in Juba, South Sudan, peacekeepers, the diplomatic community and government partners came together in a meaningful and heartfelt ceremony, marked under this year's theme, People, Peace, Progress-T...

  5. Armed forces in Eastern Equatoria meet to promote peace and trust

    29 December 2018 High-level military officers representing the two main parties of the peace agreement have held a trust-building meeting in Pajok, Eastern Equatoria. Confidence and trust-building, the bedrock for the impleme...

  6. Concert opens Human Rights Day celebrations in South Sudan

    10 December 2012 9 December 2012 - Celebrations for Human Rights Day in South Sudan kicked off today with a free, public concert featuring the Juba-based dance and music group Orupaap, who dedicated a song to the o

  7. Tri-state area lawmakers seek to end cattle raids

    11 April 2013 11 April 2013 – Legislators from the states of Unity, Warrap and Lakes participated today in a teleconference and discussed possible ways of ending cattle raids that often result in the deaths of i

  8. South Sudanese protest killing of Ngok Dinka chief

    7 May 2013... of South Sudanese today marched through Juba, demonstrating against the killing of the Ngok Dinka Paramount Chief in the contested region ...

  9. Advocate Romano: Hybrid court key for effective justice and accountability

    27 January 2017 Advocate Romano says that a hybrid court will be key for effective justice and accountability in South Sudan. An advocate in Juba says the establishment of a hybrid court is essential for effective justice an...

  10. UNMISS partnering for a peaceful New Year

    21 December 2017 UNMISS partnering for a peaceful New Year The Outreach team from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan went on a special mission to spread end-of-year holiday season greetings to the partners it has worke...
