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  1. SPLA learn to be peacekeepers

    6 November 2013 6 November 2013 – The people, army and government must work together for South Sudan to become a stable nation, a senior Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) officer s

  2. First police munitions disposal officers graduate at Rajaf

    9 November 2013 8 November 2013 - South Sudan’s first batch of police trained to rid the county of unexploded munitions graduated at Rajaf Police Training Academy near Juba today.

  3. Upper Nile police trained for refugee duty

    10 November 2013 8 November 2013 – Prior to taking up posts in Upper Nile refugee camps, South Sudan police today concluded a two-month training conducted by UN Police (UNPOL) in Bunj,

  4. Unity SPLA trained in human rights

    14 November 2013... 14 November 2013 - To increase their knowledge of human rights and the country’s constitution, UNMISS ...

  5. Upper Nile traditional leaders learn justice system

    26 November 2013 25 November 2013 - Aiming to educate traditional chiefs about the justice system and Local Government Act, UNMISS and partners concluded a three-day training today in M

  6. Bor prisoners learning new skills

    27 November 2013 26 November 2013 - Seeking to boost prisoners’ skills, the Redeemed Christian Church of God donated various sewing items today to a prison in the Jonglei State capital

  7. SPLA commanders trained in child protection

    28 November 2013 27 November 2013 - Aiming to eliminate young people from South Sudanese military ranks, UNMISS concluded a two-day workshop on child protection today in Malakal, Upper

  8. Warrap and Unity States in peace dialogue

    13 December 2013 12 December 2013 – A peace dialogue in Twic town, Warrap State, today resulted in resolutions to embark on civilian disarmament, the creation of border courts and infras

  9. Nine babies born in UNMISS health facilities

    17 December 2013 17 December 2013 - A South Sudanese baby was delivered at a UNMISS clinic in the Jonglei State capital Bor today, bringing to nine the total number of babies born in the mission’s health facilities

  10. Aid urgently needed for 70,000 people in Lakes State

    31 December 2013 30 December 2013 - Tens of thousands of South Sudanese have arrived in Awerial, Lakes State, after fleeing violence in nearby Bor, according to a statement issued today by the international medical
