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  1. SPLM trains members for new party registration

    20 May 2014 19 May 2014 - In an effort to renew registration of Sudan People’s Liberation (SPLM) members, Western Equatoria State in corroboration with the Juba SPLM Secreta

  2. Turalei IDPS need food, water and medicine, UNMISS team hears

    22 May 2014 22 May 2014 - Living conditions were deteriorating at the internally displaced persons (IDP) camp in Turalei, Warrap State, although food registration had begun, an UNMISS team visiting there learn

  3. Rumbek SSNPS learn community policing

    23 May 2014 22 May 2014 - To bring more crimes to police attention, UN Police concluded a two-week training on community policing for 21 South Sudanese officers today in Rumbek, Lakes State.

  4. LRA must be stopped, abductees reintegrated, conference resolves

    24 May 2014 23 May 2014 - Seeking to end Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) atrocities, a regional conference that concluded in the Western Equatoria capital Yambio today resolved to cal

  5. Agencies say expected cholera cases could double

    27 May 2014... over 670 with 23 deaths, leading health officials to double their estimates of people who could ...

  6. Tens of thousands more South Sudanese flee fighting following truce, says UNHCR

    28 May 2014... 27 May 2014 - Some 70,000 more people have fled their homes in South Sudan since a 9 May agreement was signed to end fighting ...

  7. Polio immunization campaign launched in Kuajok

    28 May 2014 27 May 2014 - Seeking to free Warrap of polio, the state Ministry of Health, World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF today launched a four-day immunization campaign in its six countries and the

  8. AU commission visits Malakal to investigate conflict

    30 May 2014 28 May 2014 - To investigate causes of conflict in South Sudan, a delegation from the African Union (AU) Commission of Enquiry visited the Upper Nile State capital Mala

  9. SRSG Johnson tells Bor residents ‘South Sudan is your tribe’

    4 June 2014... put ethnic divisions behind them and unite as citizens of their country, UNMISS’ top official said today in the Jonglei capital Bor. ...

  10. Western Equatorians learn to protect land and resources

    13 June 2014 12 June 2014 - Seeking new ways of protecting land and natural resources, a two-day conference on environmental justice concluded today in the Western Equatoria capital
