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  1. UNMISS denies report of peacekeepers reinforcing SPLA garrisons

    30 September 2014 Juba, 30 September 2014 - The attention of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has been drawn to allegations that appeared yesterday, in an article that was posted on the pro-armed o

  2. UN Police donates equipment to Bentiu watch groups

    10 October 2014 9 October 2014 - To boost security for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in protection sites at UNMISS Bentiu, Unity State, UN Police have given community watc

  3. Bentiu women living in painful conditions, says UN envoy on sexual exploitation

    11 October 2014 10 October 2014 - Women in the protection area at UNMISS Bentiu were living under unbelievably challenging conditions, a top UN official said today during a visit to th

  4. IDPS move to new sites on UNMISS bases

    21 October 2014... on the mission’s bases in three state capitals to improve their living conditions, ...

  5. Sexual exploitation and abuse campaign launched in Yambio

    27 October 2014... - Chiefs in Western Equatoria would take serious measures against anyone abusing the rights of women and girls, a state official said in ...

  6. Civil society learns human rights in Yambio County

    31 October 2014 30 October 2014 - To boost the ability of some 25 civil society members and human rights defenders in Yambio County, Western Equatoria State, UNMISS concluded a two-day

  7. Juba students call for laws to stop sexual exploitation

    31 October 2014 31 October 2014 - Juba Girls Secondary School students called today on the government to enact laws protecting girls and to end Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA).

  8. UNMISS protects civilians amidst violence in Unity State

    3 November 2014 31 October 2014 - UNMISS today extracted 30 civilians from the Rubkona airstrip in Unity State and brought them to the Protection of Civilians site at the mission’s base in the state capital Bentiu

  9. Warring parties sign implementation matrix

    10 November 2014 9 November 2014- The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Special Envoys for South Sudan today welcomed the agreement by the government and opposition of a detailed timetable to implem

  10. Crimes levels lessen in Malakal protection site – UNPOL advisor

    14 November 2014 13 November 2014 - There has been a notable fall in crime levels being reported at the UNMISS Protection of Civilians site in Malakal, Upper Nile State, the UN Police State Advisor said today.
