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  1. Supply & Delivery of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products to UNMISS

    20 October 2016... Interested companies are invited to submit their EOI by courier, email or hand delivery as indicated below. The EOI must ...

  2. AU delegation visits Malakal

    31 October 2016 AU delegation visits Malakal Members of the African Union Peace and Security Council visited Malakal to better understand the current security situation.

  3. 9,000 IDPs get food aid from WFP

    1 November 2016 9,000 IDPs get food aid from WFP The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has delivered food to about nine -thousand internally displaced persons in Lainya County.  

  4. UN peacekeepers rescue capsized boat in Nile

    9 November 2016 UN peacekeepers rescue capsized boat in Nile UNMISS Bangladesh Force Marine Unit (BANFMU) has carried out a successful rescue operation for a capsized boat and crew in Malakal on the Nile River.

  5. Dumak primary School in Torit attends crime prevention awareness workshop

    21 November 2016 Dumak primary School in Torit attends crime prevention awareness workshop A  joint community police team comprised of the UNMISS and the South Sudan National Police service conducted an interactive session of...

  6. Human Rights and SGBV workshop in Yambio

    21 November 2016 Human Rights and SGBV workshop in Yambio Participants drawn from the military, police, civil society group, and local village chiefs acquired new skills in a three day sensitization workshop on human rights a...

  7. South Korean peacekeepers in Bor welcome new trainees to its training centre

    7 December 2016... Sudanese trainees, eager to pick up practical skills at their research and vocational training centre ...

  8. UNMISS Rumbek celebrates Human Rights Day with the community of Maleng-Agok

    10 December 2016 Traditional dancing was on offer when UNMISS Field Office in Rumbek celebrated Human Rights Day with the Maleng-Agok community. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) on Friday commemorated the In...

  9. Upgrade and Maintenance Services for Analogue Fire Alarm Circuits installed in the UN House Office Buildings, Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    15 December 2016... :   Interested companies are invited to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) by e-mail (preferred) or hand delivery as ...

  10. The Secretary-General appeal for Peace

    3 January 2017 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres 1 January 2017 New York   On my first day as Secretary-General of the United Nations, one question weighs heavily on my heart.
