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  1. Statement by the Secretary-General on the passing of former Secretary-General Kofi Annan

    18 August 2018 Kofi Annan was a guiding force for good.  It is with profound sadness that I learned of his passing.  In many ways, Kofi Annan was the United Nations.

  2. UNMISS delivers sleeping mats and dignity kits to Bentiu prisoners

    3 September 2018 In a bid to improve their living conditions, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has donated ...

  3. Head of UNMISS urges South Sudanese warring factions to disengage forces and implement peace deal

    19 September 2018 Just a week ago, the leaders of South Sudan came together in a public display of unity to sign a fresh commitment to peace in the hope of ending the five-year civil war.

  4. UN Security Council Working Group urges South Sudan’s leaders to end violations against children

    7 November 2018... Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict to expand their current Action Plan to end and prevent all violations and a ...

  5. SSPDF in Yei appeals for peace and an end to sexual violence

    11 December 2018 Senior army officers in Yei, learning about the human costs of war, the rights and suffering of victims of sexual violence. “If we don’t stand firm to end this war, we shall have no future. Young girls are be...

  6. Inmates in Malakal receive lifesaving medical supplies from UNMISS peacekeepers

    13 December 2018 Medical supplies for all at the Malakal prison as UNMISS peacekeepers make a vital donation. Inmates at the state prison in Malakal have received a gift of medical supplies from Indian peacekeepers serving wi...

  7. After five years of delayed justice, a mobile High Court opens in Bentiu

    17 December 2018 A suspect is led into the new Bentiu Mobile Court by Ghanaian police peacekeepers Arriving at a partly run-down building just after 8 a.m.

  8. Peacekeepers in Malakal train community animal health workers

    18 December 2018 A healthy animal is a happier animal. UNMISS peacekeepers in Malakal have trained people in the local community how to provide basic veterinary services. An enthusiastic group of trainees in Malakal are now r...

  9. Peacekeepers clear landmines outside Bor town

    28 December 2018 Clearing land from landmines and other potentially explosive objects is a painstakingly slow and risky process. UNMAS has just made an area outside Bor safe again. The United Nations Mine Action Service has d...

  10. UNMISS working to establish facts of peacekeeper involvement in the death of two civilians

    21 January 2019 During a security incident at a base operated by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan in the capital Juba on Saturday, two civilian contractors were shot by a peacekeeper and died as a result
