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  1. Free veterinary camp by UNMISS peacekeepers from India wins hearts and minds in Renk

    28 September 2021 Indian veterinarians serving with UNMISS recently treated more than 2,000 animals belonging to livestock owners in Renk, Upper Nile. Breeding animals is one of the primary sources of livelihood fo...

  2. Forest Whitaker arrives in Torit to promote peace

    26 June 2014... in Torit, Eastern Equatoria State, where he will launch the Youth Peacemaker Netwo ...

  3. UNMISS supports training on preventing HIV/AIDS

    4 June 2024... To dispel myths surrounding HIV/AIDS and raise public awareness, UNMISS and Lakes state’s HIV/AIDS Commission ... LAKES – To dispel myths surrounding HIV/AIDS and raise public awareness, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in ...

  4. UNMISS conducts workshop to strengthen civil society participation in peace, democracy in Unity and Ruweng

    15 May 2024 As South Sudan gears up for its first post-independence elections, UNMISS holds two workshops in Unity and Ruweng Administrative Area respectively to build capacities among civil society actors. Photo by Luk Riek Nyak Bol/UNMISS ...

  5. New joint advocacy group formed to support peace and development in the Bentiu area

    5 September 2019 Girls and women made themselves heard at an UNMISS-organised civil society group meeting in Bentiu. Over the course of three days, persons from different communities staying at the UN protection of civilians’...

  6. Access to healthcare vital for women’s protection say Maiwut communities

    20 March 2024 In Maiwut, some 53 community members came together to discuss sustainable community-based solutions to overarching protection concerns at a workshop hosted by UNMISS. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS UPP...

  7. Farmers and cattle keepers work to overcome conflict caused by lack of water resources in Aweil

    8 February 2019... of Reziaghat in Sudan make the long journey south with their herds of cattle seeking water and places to graze in the areas around Aweil in South ...

  8. Displaced young people in Gogrial to receive vocational training through UNMISS

    4 February 2020 More than 100 young people who have been displaced by intercommunal conflict in Gogrial will receive training to develop new skills so they can support themselves as part of an initiative funded by

  9. ACT to Protect children campaign launched in South Sudan

    7 February 2020 Thousands of children have suffered at the hands of armed groups during South Sudan’s civil war.

  10. South Sudan’s Youths stepping up action for Peace

    1 September 2016 The pupils who spoke with Radio Miraya said they lack exercise books, pens and pencils plus text books. Voice of Children ARABIC……………………………………………………………………………….VC
