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  1. Young people must participate in peace processes, say attendees of an UNMISS musical event

    7 August 2023 An UNMISS-organized youth outreach in Juba, Central Equatoria, builds on the need for youth participation in South Sudan’s democratic transition. Photo by Gregorio ...

  2. A three-day conference supported by UNMISS results in 11 communities reaching peace agreements in Tonj North

    14 February 2022 In a landmark conference supported by UNMISS, 11 feuding communities in conflict-torn Tonj North, Warrap have signed agreements to stop senseless conflict, and instead resolve disputes amicably within established justice framework...

  3. UNMISS forum in Warrap stresses role of women in managing conflict and building peace

    6 April 2018... peace The need to include women and youth in resolving conflicts and peacebuilding has been emphasized at a two-day ...

  4. UNMISS inter-university football tournament: scoring goals for peace

    17 March 2017 In a tournament full of winners, University of Juba's Team A became a tiny bit more winners by scooping the trophy of the UNMISS-sponsored inter-university peace league football tournament at Juba Stadium. ...

  5. UNMISS promotes the importance of partnerships for peace on the 76th International Day of UN Peacekeepers

    29 May 2024... newest nation navigate the difficult path from war to peace. Their contribution was recognized during ceremonies held in Juba and other ...

  6. United Nations for the people of South Sudan- UN celebrates 71st anniversary

    24 October 2016 United Nations for the people of South Sudan- UN celebrates 71st anniversary.               October, 24 2016   PRESS RELEASE  

  7. Rejoicing abounds as UNMISS celebrates 73rd UN Day across South Sudan

    26 October 2018 The United Nations Day, the 73 rd anniversary of the global organization, was duly and truly commemorated by the peacekeeping mission in various locations in South Sudan.

  8. Escalating feuds between cattle keepers and farmers in Magwi lead to a volatile situation, UNMISS steps up engagements

    27 February 2022 Disputes between farming communities in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria, and cattle herders have led to some 3,000 people reportedly being displaced last week. UNMISS is stepping up engagements with local, state and national authorities ...

  9. Intercommunal violence in Jonglei-Pibor: UNMISS supports authorities in returning abductees

    23 January 2023 Some of the released abductees waiting to be transported back home to the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. JONGLEI/PIBOR- Following serious intercommunal clashes in Jonglei State and the Greater Pib...

  10. A football tournament boosts hopes for peace in Yei, where residents still await the silencing of guns

    26 March 2019... Spectators follow their teams closely Animated spectators cheered the ...
