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  1. Authorities and civil society in Greater Jonglei identify key security threats, ponder solutions

    25 January 2023 Participants at an UNMISS workshop in Bor discussed how to improve the protection of civilians in their region. Photo: Mach Samuel/UNMISS JONGLEI- Keeping ...

  2. Students and parents in Yambio unite for peace as they mark Human Rights Day

    12 December 2019 Students dance excitedly during the Family Open Day event in Yambio. They clapped, they danced, and they sang.

  3. UNMISS and local police service sign agreement to collectively protect displaced families

    7 November 2020 UNMISS and the South Sudan National Police Services sign operation coordination ...

  4. Community representatives in Malakal trained on human rights; reporting violations

    12 October 2019... knowledge of his human rights nor did he know when to report acts of their violation. Now, though, he says things are different. ...

  5. Security Council outraged by new hostilities

    6 November 2014 5 November 2014 - Members of the UN Security Council today expressed their alarm and outrage at the resumption of hostilities between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army and opposition forces in Uni

  6. South Sudanese women to make recommendations for constitution

    7 May 2013 6 May 2013 - It was vital for South Sudanese women to assist in drawing up the country's constitution and translating it into law, the Presidential Advisor on Legal Affairs said in Juba today.

  7. Rule of law actors in Eastern Equatoria agree reducing crime is top priority at forum organized by UNMISS, UNDP

    6 August 2020 The police component of UNMISS and UNDP jointly organized a forum on crime prevention in Torit, Eastern ...

  8. UNSC stresses need for accountability to accelerate peace

    3 September 2016 UNSC stresses need for accountability to accelerate peace South Sudan needs to move ahead now and enforce Justice and accountability, the top United Nations Diplomat, Ambassador Samantha Power, said on Saturd...

  9. Crimes levels lessen in Malakal protection site – UNPOL advisor

    14 November 2014... been a notable fall in crime levels being reported at the UNMISS Protection of Civilians site in Malakal, Upper Nile State, the UN Police ...

  10. Over 300 prison wardens graduate in Rumbek

    24 August 2012 22 August 2012 - Furthering rule of law in newly independent South Sudan, 375 wardens graduated today from a one-year course in Rumbek, Lakes State.
