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  1. CEPO launches social media campaign #PeaceJam against online hate speech

    20 September 2016 Press Conference: UN Security Council delegation concludes South Sudan visit pt.5 Press Conference: UN Security Council delegation concludes South Sudan visit pt.5

  2. South Sudan youth roll out campaign for peace

    29 August 2016 Meanwhile, the Uganda Joint Christian Council plans to write a joint statement addressing the leadership in Juba appealing for peace.

  3. SEA Campaign kicks off in Malakal

    17 October 2014... 2014 - To raise awareness of sexual exploitation and abuse, UNMISS and partners launched a campaign at the missions protection of civilians site in the Upper ...

  4. SEA campaign launched in Kuajok

    4 December 2013... together today in Kuajok, Warrap State, at the government’s launch of its nation-wide campaign on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). ...

  5. Campaign against SEA kicks off in Malakal

    2 December 2013 28 November 2013 - A top official in Upper Nile State urged people in the capital Malakal today to report any form of sexual harassment and related cases of abuse.

  6. Government and partners hold fund-raising meeting for prevention of SEA campaign

    10 October 2013... 9 October 2013 - In preparation for a nationwide campaign on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), the South Sudanese government, UNMISS, UN agencies and representatives of civil soci ...

  7. Peacekeepers partner with women in clean-up campaign in Eastern Equatoria

    19 September 2019

  8. UN supports campaign to get girls back to school in Bentiu

    20 July 2017 UN supports campaign to get girls back to school in Bentiu A campaign to get young girls to go back to school and to encourage teachers to ...

  9. South Sudan begins polio campaign

    19 March 2013... 19 March 2013 - The first round of South Sudan's 2013 polio vaccination campaign began today, targeting over three million children across the country. ...

  10. Government of South Sudan and UN launch Children, not Soldiers campaign

    29 October 2014... United Nations, today launched the "Children, not Soldiers" campaign nationally, marking the ...
