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  1. Escalating feuds between cattle keepers and farmers in Magwi lead to a volatile situation, UNMISS steps up engagements

    27 February 2022 Disputes between farming communities in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria, and cattle herders have led to some 3,000 people reportedly being displaced last week. UNMISS is stepping up engagements with local, state and national authorities ...

  2. 9,000 IDPs get food aid from WFP

    1 November 2016 A two day awareness workshop on the general mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has opened in Juba.

  3. UNMISS Ghanaian veterinarians provide relief for Bentiu cattle farmers

    2 October 2017... Ghanaian veterinarians provide relief for Bentiu cattle farmers Just outside of Bentiu town in northern South ...

  4. COVID-19 preventive measures in South Sudan affect farmers in Aweil

    9 April 2020... As the Coronavirus spreads globally, farmers in the Aweil area of Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal are not exempted from the ...

  5. Cattle keepers and farmers meet in Rumbek

    17 December 2014... 16 December 2014 - Following several disputes between farmers and cattle keepers, UNMISS held a one-day conflict mitigation workshop ...

  6. Displaced communities in Kudo Central request humanitarian assistance, discuss solutions to conflict between farmers and cattle herders

    23 February 2022 An UNMISS patrol recently visted Kudo Central in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, to speak with communities from Lowoi who recently sought refuge here after being displaced by conflict between farming communities and herders. Photo...

  7. Farmers and cattle keepers work to overcome conflict caused by lack of water resources in Aweil

    8 February 2019 At the beginning of every year, the nomadic people of Reziaghat in Sudan make the long journey south with their herds of cattle seeking water and places to graze in the areas aroun...

  8. WFP distributes food to Bor IDPs

    6 February 2014... 6 February 2014 - The World Food Programme (WFP) this week distributed a one-week food ration to help displaced people in ...

  9. China contributes $5 million to WFP for people affected by conflict in South Sudan

    23 November 2015 The World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed a US$5 million contribution from the Government of the ...

  10. WFP providing food to Jonglei displaced

    23 July 2013... 23 July 2013 - The World Food Programme (WFP) is launching an operation to provide food to tens of thousands of people ...
