UNMISS and CTSAMM visit location where six aid workers were killed

UNMISS and CTSAMM visit the location where six aid workers were killed in an ambush on Saturday 25 March South Sudan

UNMISS and CTSAMM visit the location where six aid workers were killed in an ambush on Saturday 25 March.

28 Mar 2017

UNMISS and CTSAMM visit location where six aid workers were killed

A convoy of protection forces from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), together with members of the Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) has visited the location where six aid workers were killed on Saturday 25 March, approximately 53 kilometres outside the capital Juba. 

The integrated team, including representatives from UNMISS Human Rights, JMEC (the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission), and CTSAMM were met by local security forces of its anti-poaching unit at the Bandigilo National Park road junction, who took the integrated team to the scene of the ambush, along the Juba-Pibor road, some 3.4 kilometres from the national park. Three South Sudanese and three Kenyans working for a national non-governmental organization were killed.

In the past two months there has been a sharp increase of attacks targeting aid workers and their premises, a development that mirrors a rapid deterioration of the security and economic situation of the country. The attack means that a total of at least 79 aid workers have been killed in South Sudan since the December 2013 crisis.