UNMISS and WFP relocate orphans from Malakal to Juba

16 Mar 2014

UNMISS and WFP relocate orphans from Malakal to Juba

16 March 2014 - With supplies scarce and security tense in Malakal, Upper Nile State, more than 100 orphans have been relocated from the UN base there to the capital Juba.

The 118 children and their caretakers were airlifted from Malakal on a World Food Programme (WFP) flight and relocated to the SOS children’s village in Juba.

“It is difficult to take care of these children here because of the current crisis,” said Guan Ayang, who is in charge of 10 orphans. “I am happy to leave this place.”

UNMISS Child Protection Officer in Upper Nile State Moussa Camara said the relocation, which took place from 13-14 March, was made at the request of the SOS village in Juba.

“The SOS office in Juba requested UNMISS and the humanitarian partners, including OCHA and WFP, to help facilitate the transfer of these children from the PoC (protection of civilians site) to Juba, M. Camara said.

“They chartered a WFP flight to come for these children and we at UNMISS supported with transportation … from our PoC to the airport,” she said.

Before they moved to the UN base, the orphans and their caretakers were living at the SOS Children’s Village in Malakal.