UNMISS hands over police post to Wau County

13 Mar 2015

UNMISS hands over police post to Wau County

12 March 2015 - To promote peace and security in Wau County, UNMISS today handed over a police post to the county’s police commission.

The police post worth $50,000 was built using funding from the mission’s Quick Impact Projects.

Speaking at the hand-over ceremony of the post, which includes offices and prison cells for men and women as well as juveniles, Acting State Coordinator Nwanne Vwede-Obahor described it as infrastructure that would help the new county to function fully.

“We look for projects which have maximum impact in the community,” said Ms. Vwede-Obahor. “The people of this community prioritized their security which shows their commitment to ensure peace and security.”

The State Coordinator acknowledged the good cooperation UNMISS is enjoying in the state authorities.

UNMISS Relief, Reintegration and Protection Officer Bernald Brima, who was in charge of the project, reiterated that the police station was constructed based on the priority of county.

Zekaria Makuac, Director of Police of Wau County, said previously, residents of Wau County used to travel all the way to Wau town to report any crime related cases.

“This time, any complaint or case can be easily brought to police,” he said. “Police is a close friend of citizens (and the police post) will be open (24 hours daily).”

Mr. Makuac promised to equip the new police post with necessary facilities including power and fence.