UNMISS QIP renovates primary school in Wau
The UNMISS, via a quick impact project (QIP), completed the renovation of the Piantok Basic Primary school in Wau.
During the handing over ceremony, UNMISS Head of Office in Wau, Ms. Winnie Babihuga, said “We are constructing three projects and all fall in line with the mandate of the mission, aimed at peace building and stabilization accompanied by the elements of peace and development.”
The Head of Office then thanked the local community for their support during the renovation of the school.
Ms. Winnie urged the school girls to stay in school and finish education before they get married.
The Director General of the Ministry of Education in Wau, Mr. Gabriel Gok Mayen, said the government of South Sudan can-not provide the free and quality education as envisaged in the country’s constitution.
According to the Director, the government has received financial support from donors to motivate the teachers to stay in the profession.
The UNMISS RRP team leader, Mr. Bmal Gyawali, said that the QIPs are selected according to mandated tasks of the mission and in contribution to building confidence in the mission’s efforts in the peace process.
The mission’s QIP programme did renovation to the school just 4 years ago, but due to the harsh weather condition in the country the roof had been heavily damaged.