UNMISS trains stakeholders in Eastern Equatoria on application procedures for Quick Impact Projects
One hundred and twenty representatives from the state government, national NGOs, and community based organizations in Nimule, Torit, and Kapoeta towns located in Eastern Equatoria State have been trained on correct application procedures for the UN peacekeeping mission’s Quick Impact Projects (QIPs).
“We learnt about aligning project components and how to improve the quality of our concept proposals to secure funding,” said Achiga Patrick Karai, a programme manager working for Community Needs Initiative, a national NGO.
The workshop which was organized by the UNMISS Relief, Reintegration and Protection office in Eastern Equatoria sought, among other things, to identify and increase the number of implementing partners for such projects as well as to expand the mission’s database registry.
“The contribution of UN peacekeepers in this region is beneficial to our community. Such small-scale, community-driven projects particularly in the justice and education sectors are encouraging returns,” said Felix Makuja, one of the participants in Kapoeta town.
Providing stakeholders with detailed guidance on the entire process involved in QiPs will facilitate implementation of future projects planned by the UN Mission.
“Building local capacity and reinforcing the skills of our partners will play a major role in increasing the number of potential implementing partners that may have to work with us,” explained Tito Awando, an UNMISS representative.
According to local government representatives, since the civil war in 2016 severely affected many homesteads and left many public institutions such as health facilities, educational buildings, and police posts vandalized, the peacekeeping mission’s QIPs programme and targeted trainings could not have come at a better time.
“With the number of returns on the rise in this border town, the Quick Impact Projects offer a great opportunity for communities and local authorities to identify projects that will motivate refugees and internally displaced persons to continue to return to their home,” said Beatrice Ndurua, the Secretary for the national Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Nimule, a border town with Uganda