Warrap community learns about justice, fair trials

26 May 2014

Warrap community learns about justice, fair trials

22 May 2014 - To educate people of Gogrial West County, Warrap State, about the role of justice actors, rule of law and fair trials, UNMISS held a legal awareness event today for members of Yieth-liet community.

Some 60 chiefs, headmen, teachers, youth and women gathered under a tree to hear presentations by representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s office, Ministry of Local Government and UNMISS Justice Advisory Section.

Topics focused on functions of the police, prosecutors and courts as well as the rights to be represented by a lawyer and appeal court decisions.

Expressing his appreciation, Chief Abraham Nyok Mayar said his people needed to know more about the law. “But many of us cannot read or write and that is why this training is so useful for us,” he said.

Yieth-liet is the headquarters of Kuac South Payam (district), located 30 kilometres south of the Warrap State capital Kuajok. The meeting was prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Government and Payam Administrator.

The event was conducted as a part of programme to raise awareness about rule of law and human rights in Warrap, which also includes a monthly forum, radio show and workshops.