Western Equatoria seed money goes to conflict

21 Mar 2014

Western Equatoria seed money goes to conflict

21 March 2014 - Money to import seeds from outside South Sudan for Western Equatoria farmers has been diverted for use in South Sudan’s crisis, government officials said today in the capital Yambio.

“The incident in Juba on 15December has interfered with our plan to supply farmers with seeds this year,” State Minister of Agriculture Wes Ugele told UN Radio Miraya.

He encouraged farmers to use local seeds and tools they had while waiting for the government and partners to supply more. Most farmers in the state have joined cooperatives to cultivate bigger farms, making it easier to assist them.

Land in Western Equatoria has a high agricultural potential and it could supply food to conflict-affected states in country. The state depends on farming for food and exports, while others rely on cattle.

Western Equatoria has remained peaceful since conflict broke out in Juba in December 2013 between pro- and anti-government forces and rapidly spread to other states.