Women in Bentiu mobilize to raise awareness of peace and advocate for reconciliation

26 Oct 2018

Women in Bentiu mobilize to raise awareness of peace and advocate for reconciliation

Jacob Ruai

More than 50 women in Bentiu are gathering every Saturday and Sunday to mobilize the war-affected people in the area for peace and unity. One important part of their activities is to circulate and discuss the content of the revitalized peace agreement signed last month.

“As women, we are currently working to unite our people and our husbands and sons to build a peaceful South Sudan,” said Nyahok Keer, a local women’s representative.

Another women’s leader, Nyapuoka Baliu, stressed the need to get people to talk about and understand the peace process. 

“Since we started the distribution [of the revitalized peace agreement] programmes, we have managed to bring some men together to eat in the same place for the first time. That is a good sign of reconciliation.”

The Bentiu office of the Communication and Public Information Section of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan is planning to support these proactive women’s groups in their efforts to raise awareness of the peace agreement among the general population.