Press releases

  • 21 Aug 2013 - Juba, 20 August 2013 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has stepped up its military patrolling in Pibor County in recent days by intensifying its patrols in Pibor and Gumuruk towns, and by launching sustained patrols in areas outside both towns to help create a secure environment which allows civilians to safely return to these towns and access the ongoing food distribution.
  • 21 Aug 2013 - Juba, 20August 2013 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) will organize a Women's Forum on August 21st in Juba. The Forum, taking place at the Juba Civic Engagement Center, is an effort to empower women in South Sudan by providing them with a platform to express themselves. The conference will also be an opportunity for UNMISS to describe its mandate and the work of the Mission.
  • 21 Aug 2013 - Juba, 19 August 2013: Today we are part of a global commemoration marking the work of humanitarian staff across the world. We also pay tribute to our colleagues who have lost their lives while relieving the suffering of others, often in some of the most dangerous settings.
  • 01 Aug 2013 - Juba, 01 August 2013 - UNMISS welcomes the appointment of a new Cabinet of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, which was announced on 31 July 2013. The installation of the new, leaner and restructured Cabinet offers the Government a new opportunity to deliver on key priorities for the country.
  • 26 Jul 2013 - Juba, 25 July 2013 - The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is distributing food to thousands of people who have fled violence in Pibor County, Jonglei State, in an ongoing humanitarian exercise that began on 24 July, with support from UNMISS.
  • 20 Jul 2013 - Juba, 19 July 2013 - On 14 July, The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) was alerted by Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) of the arrival in Manyabol of a large number of Lou Nuer youth in need of urgent medical assistance. The mission dispatched a military team.
  • 18 Jul 2013 - Juba, 18 July 2013: "Expanded access within Pibor county, Jonglei State, since 14 July has enabled aid agencies to assess the needs of up to 25,000 civilians who have sought refuge in the bush near Dorein and Labrab villages following recent fighting.
  • 15 Jul 2013 - Juba, 14 July 2013: "Today aid agencies reached for the first time this year areas of Pibor county, Jonglei, where thousands of civilians have been hiding in the bush following clashes between state and non-state actors. Non-governmental organisations and UN agencies have met communities near Dorain, Fertait & Labrab to assess their needs and mount a humanitarian response, including urgently needed medical attention, in addition to ongoing programmes in other parts of the state.
  • 12 Jul 2013 - Juba, 11 July 2013 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is deeply concerned about reports of a major mobilization of armed youth moving towards Pibor county in Jonglei State and reported clashes. UNMISS calls on the leaders of all Jonglei communities, their youth, as well as on national and state authorities to exercise maximum restraint and urgently engage in reconciliation efforts.
  • 08 Jul 2013 - Juba, 8 July 2013 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Ms. Hilde F. Johnson congratulate the Republic of South Sudan on the second anniversary of its independence.
