Delegation of donors from USAID and DFID visit Bentiu

15 Feb 2016

Delegation of donors from USAID and DFID visit Bentiu

A delegation from the United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department for International Development (DFID) visited Bentiu, to better understand situations for humanitarian funding and support.

The delegation was also briefed by UNMISS on the general security situation and the humanitarian needs in the area.
Disaster Assistance Response Team Leader with USAID South Sudan, Emily Dakin, said the visit was to see the situation in Rubkona and Bentiu towns as well as in the Bentiu POC site to ensure priorities for funding and support to partners remains where the most significant needs in humanitarian response are required.

“A significant number of people are coming to this area  seeking food security and so we  are interested to work with our partners to better understand how to address the needs of the people”, Ms. Dakin said.
The team leader further stated that the US government is hopeful about peace process, and will remain fully committed during the coming year with humanitarian aid and development funding.
Humanitarian partners estimate that some 300,000 internally displaced people in South Sudan will be in need of assistance in 2016, according to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).