Episcopal Church of South Sudan delivers messages peace in Munuki

Episcopal Church of South Sudan delivers messages peace in Munuki

Episcopal Church of South Sudan delivers messages peace in Munuki

5 Nov 2016

Episcopal Church of South Sudan delivers messages peace in Munuki

Reuben Inaju

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Sudan Diocese of Juba, Muniki Deanery of the St. Thomas Parish, has rounded up a three day revival meeting in Juba. Speakers at the revival encouraged members of the Episcopal communion to follow the path of peace and to forgive each other in order for peace to return to South Sudan.

“I know that peace cannot be achieved by force neither can it be kept by force. Peace can only be achieved through understanding, through reasoning with one another.” Said Reuben Inaju, UNMISS Press and Information officer, while addressing the more than 1500 parishioners at the revival. He went on to state, “The UNMISS mandate includes the protection of civilians, investigating and reporting human rights abuse, assisting in the delivery of humanitarian aid and supporting the implementation of the peace agreement.” The UNMISS representative then called on all South Sudanese to support the peace process.

The annual revival event provides the Episcopal Communion the chance to bring its adherents from across the country together to commune for a period of three days. The theme for this year focused on forgiveness as a route to lasting peace.