Kajo-Keji county receives medical humanitarian aid delivery

Kajo-Keji county receives medical humanitarian aid delivery

Kajo-Keji county receives medical humanitarian aid delivery

3 Nov 2016

Kajo-Keji county receives medical humanitarian aid delivery

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in collaboration with the UNMISS Rwandan Battalion, has successfully delivered three shipments of cargo containing malarial drug treatment, cholera treatment and sanitation supplies, and items for children’s recreation.

The goods were handed over to the Kajo-keji county Health Department Director, Edward Nika.  Dr. Nika commended the teams for the initiative which he said came was perfectly times as the county is desperately short of these vital medical supplies.

“In the County here we experience some challenges since our last consignment from the central medical stores ended in June, up to now we have not received another consignment, it was one of our biggest challenges” he stated.

Dr. Nika further said, apart from an insufficient drug supply to the county there are other problems that affect the health sector, most prominent is the desertion of qualified health professionals that have taken up positions with humanitarian organizations, and NGO’s, even so, he remains optimistic about the future of the health care sector in the county.

A local chief that witnessed the handover of supplies to the county health official said that even if the international community is committed to providing to the needs the people of Kajo-keji there is one thing that the people of Kajo-keji need more than anything, and this he said, is peace.