Indian battalion conducts well-attended veterinary camp in Malakal

Indian battalion conducts well-attended veterinary camp in Malakal UNMISS South Sudan

Indian battalion conducts a well-attended veterinary camp in Malakal.

10 Apr 2017

Indian battalion conducts well-attended veterinary camp in Malakal

Ajay Garg

The Indian military contingent at the UNMISS base in Malakal has conducted another veterinary camp benefitting local cattle owners.

The camp, coordinated in cooperation with local authorities, was one in a series of similar activities in the Upper Nile region. It was well attended and much appreciated by the host community and its animal owners: approximately 215 cows, bulls and calves, 160 sheep and goats, 25 donkeys and two camels were treated and dewormed.

Conducting veterinary camps and thus improving the animal health vital to cattle keepers has proved to be a useful aid in establishing a link between military and humanitarian components of UNMISS, as well as with other development partners in the area.