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13 March 2012 - Thousands of Jonglei State residents celebrated International Women's Day in the capital Bor today with speeches, songs, traditional dancing and military parades.
Juba, 13 March 2012 - On 9 March 2012, the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) received reports indicating that attacks took place by unknown armed attackers against several Lou Nuer cattle camps in areas bordering South Sudan and Ethiopia.
12 March 2012 - South Sudanese women could point to specific achievements six months after independence, but they had a long way to go in obtaining full rights, a group of national women's rights and advocacy groups said today.
12 March 2012 - Renewing a commitment to release all children in their ranks, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) signed an "action plan" today with the United Nations in the South Sudanese capital of Juba.
9 March 2012 – In a historic moment, Western Equatoria State's Transitional Constitution was signed and the governor sworn in today in the capital Yambio.
Juba, 12 March 2012: The Government of the Republic of South Sudan today is launching the process of civilian disarmament in Jonglei State.
9 March 2012 – To enhance protection of air operations in the country, UNMISS is currently conducting introductory aviation fire and rescue training for newly recruited South Sudanese.
8 March 2012 - Rural women and girls made up a quarter of the world's population, but often lost out in areas ranging from income and education to health and participation in decision-making, Secretary-General (SG) Ban Ki-moon said in a message on International Women's Day.
8 March 2012 - With a focus on rural women, International Women's Day was celebrated across South Sudan today with marches, speeches, military parades, songs and traditional dancing.