
UNMISS Jonglei South Sudan county local government state cattle resolution conflict service food security

Key resolutions at a three-day forum supported by UNMISS in Jonglei, South Sudan, included greater partnerships between state and local authorities to hold peace dialogues among communities to foster reconciliation; promote relationships of trust among the civilian population and security actors; open civic and political space; and deploy mobile courts as well as strengthen customary courts to improve access to justice. Photos by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS

UNMISS south sudan local conflict central equatoria governance resolutions dialogue

An UNMISS-supported forum in Central Equatoria focused on the urgent need to enhance local governance by deploying officials, improving human rights training, and addressing gaps in essential services. Photo by Elizabeth Mpimbaza/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers Romich Radio Miraya checkpoint transmitter information service communication

Residents of Romich lived in near isolation with no reliable phone service, radio and often impassable roads, until UNMISS peacekeepers negotiated their way through armed checkpoints to install a new Radio Miraya transmitter, bringing information and peacebuilding to delighted communities. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.
