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30 December 2013 - As conflict continues to rage in South Sudan, the UN moved on diplomatic and military fronts today to quell the violence.
30 December 2013 - Tens of thousands of South Sudanese have arrived in Awerial, Lakes State, after fleeing violence in nearby Bor, according to a statement issued today by the international medical organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
Juba, 29 December 2013 - UNMISS is extremely concerned about reports that large numbers of armed youths may be advancing towards the Jonglei State capital of Bor.
28 December 2013 - Individuals behind any internal violence like fighting would be reported to local security forces, UNMISS' Unity Acting State Coordinator told civilians sheltering at the mission's base today in the capital Bentiu.
27 December 2013 - Businesses were open and all was peaceful in Western Equatoria during the Christmas season, despite violent conflicts in other South Sudanese states.
27 December 2013 - The number of people reported displaced by the current crisis in South Sudan has risen to 121,600, including 63,000 sheltering in UN peacekeeping bases, according to a UN report issued today.
Young girl receiving Communion during mass at displaced persons camp on UNMISS base in conflict-torn Bentiu, Unity State. Photo: UNMISS/Anna Adhikari
UNMISS transporting wounded on 22 December from fighting in Bor, Jonglei State. Photo: UNMISS
25 December 2013 - To tackle immediate needs of people affected by violence in South Sudan, aid agencies will need $166 million from now until March 2014, according to a statement released today.
25 December 2013 - UNMISS Deputy Force Commander Brigadier General Asit Mistry said today it was not yet known when new forces would arrive to bolster the mission’s peacekeeping force in conflict-torn South Sudan.