On 4 April 2024, The National Mine Action Authority (NMAA), in partnership with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), will commemorate the International Day for Mine

An early warning working group to protect civilians and property has been formed in Bangasu in Yambio County to help authorities take proactive measures against security threats. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS.

At a protection of civilians workshop organized by UNMISS in Rokon, the multiple challenges posed by climate change were discussed. Photo: James Sokiri/UNMISS

An increase of attacks targeting humanitarian convoys have led to more of them being escorted and protected by UNMISS peacekeepers. Photos by Peter Bateman/UNMISS

To support and protect survivors of sexual violence, UNMISS and partners handed over a women’s center in Andari in Western Equatoria state. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

In Maiwut, some 53 community members came together to discuss sustainable community-based solutions to overarching protection concerns at a workshop hosted by UNMISS. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS

Supported by UNMISS, an SSPDF Justice Directorate assessment mission in Maridi, Western Equatoria evaluated pending cases concerning uniformed personnel. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.