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  1. UNPOL officers train South Sudanese counterparts to support planned extension of community policing in Eastern Equatoria

    15 September 2022... enforcement efforts in expanding community policing across Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS ...

  2. UNMISS briefs newly appointed state officials in Eastern Equatorian on its work to protect civilians and build peace

    5 May 2021... for state government officials conducted by UNMISS in Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS. ...

  3. UNMISS peacekeepers conducts healthy, inexpensive cooking session with Eastern Equatorian mothers

    31 January 2022... meals is an art, here demonstrated by UNMISS peacekeepers in Eastern Equatoria State. Photos by Okello James/UNMISS ...

  4. Joy in rural Eastern Equatorian community as UNMISS hands over classrooms for 200 learners

    24 August 2021... learners marching in to their new school in a rural area of Eastern Equatoria State. Photos: Okello James/UNMISS UN ...

  5. Eastern Equatorian women strive for political roles to shape a peaceful, prosperous South Sudan

    26 November 2020... Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in Eastern Equatoria. “We can’t just keep talking. ...

  6. UNMISS patrol follows up on situation of people displaced by fighting in Eastern Equatorian villages

    12 February 2021... far. UNMISS peacekeepers patrolling a conflict-prone area in Eastern Equatoria State. Patrolling peacekeepers serving ...

  7. UN Security Council Working Group urges South Sudan’s leaders to end violations against children

    7 November 2018... to expand their current Action Plan to end and prevent all violations and a ...

  8. UNMISS to look into potential dialogue to end worsening Eastern Equatorian intercommunal violence

    10 January 2022 Women in Loguruny, a village in Eastern Equatoria State, interacting with an UNMISS patrol team. Photos: Moses ...

  9. “We are building peace, but we need development” say residents of Ibotu in Eastern Equatoria

    28 September 2021 An integrated UNMISS patrol travelled to Gunyoro to meet with community members and hear their concerns. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS. A team of integrated UN peacekeepers ... to Gunyoro, which lies some 20 kilometres south of Torit in Eastern Equat ...

  10. Eastern Lakes women challenge men; demand what is constitutionally theirs

    7 April 2019 Imagine an all-men tribunal sitting to hear a rape case and the only available woman is the victim seeking justice!
