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  1. UNMISS, humanitarian partners and government representatives attend joyous UN Day event

    22 October 2021... celebration in Juba showcasing the rich cultural heritage of South Sudan as well as the committed UN personnel who work every day to reverse the ...

  2. Supply and Delivery of Electric Booster Pumps to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Juba, South Sudan.

    14 December 2016... NATIONS UNIES   United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS     REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ...

  3. Juba commemorates 16 Days of Activism

    7 December 2015... responsibility of the state and all its organs, an UNMISS official said today in Juba. ...

  4. The power of a blue beret: a glimpse into the work of a female peacekeeper

    13 December 2019 Ragini Kumari conducts a foot patrol of a protection of civilians site while accompanied by a community elder. Ragini Kumari has many appellations. She is a devoted wife and mother of two, an avid practit...

  5. UNMISS and Unicef support the reunification of abducted children with their families

    17 December 2018... having been abducted in 2017, arrived in Juba on board an UNMISS helicopter. The next step is to find their families. Every big journey starts with a small step. The first such steps, crucial ones at that, towards a ...

  6. Local women traders in Juba share challenges and concerns in UNMISS forum

    5 November 2021... by Peter Okello/UNMISS As South Sudan starts recovering from civil wars and COVID-19, this young nation stands ...

  7. Female Rwandan police officers empower vulnerable women and children in UN protection site

    1 October 2018 Wearing heavy black vests and padding, the female members of the Rwandan Formed Police Unit swelter under the hot Juba sun as they prepare for their entry to the nearby United Nations Protection si

  8. Kuajok market benefits from UNMISS handover of COVID-19 prevention items

    7 May 2021... the COVID-19 vaccination programme starts rolling out across South Sudan, UNMISS is continuing its support for the national-led pandemic response. ...


    22 September 2016... REMARKS TO HIGH-LEVEL EVENT ON THE HUMANITARIAN SITUATION IN SOUTH SUDAN New York, 22 September 2016   ...

  10. Provision of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Training for UNMISS Staff in Juba, South Sudan Closing Date for Receipt of R EOI: Thursday, 2 March 2017.

    15 February 2017... E S   United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan UNMISS REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST   ...
