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  1. Mongolian President visits South Sudan

    15 February 2013 15 February 2013 - Visiting his country's peacekeeping troops in South Sudan, Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj arrived in the Unity State capital of Bentiu today.

  2. Prison health training ends in Malakal

    3 March 2013 1 March 2013 - Aiming to boost health and hygiene in prisons, especially for the elderly, disabled and mentally handicapped, a four-day training ended today in Malakal, Upper Nile State.

  3. UNMISS protecting civilians in Pibor

    6 March 2013 6March 2013 - Over 2,500 civilians sought refuge this morning at the UNMISS base following an exchange of fire between the Sudan People's Liberation Army and an armed group in Pibor, Jonglei State.

  4. Ex-combatants to learn new skills in Mapel

    21 March 2013 20 March 2013 - Over 50 former soldiers in Lakes State's Yirol West County will learn new skills to help them re-enter civilian life in a pilot UNMISS-government pilot programme beginning 15 April

  5. UN protecting children in Jonglei

    4 April 2013 4 April 2013 - Conflicting communities in Jonglei State were using children as weapons of war and triggering further violence, an UNMISS official said today in the state capital Bor.

  6. International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

    4 April 2013... national and international mine action partners rolling up their pants' legs in Juba during the 2013 "Lend Your Leg" campaign to ...

  7. Transforming South Sudan’s prisons

    8 April 2013 Following the ravages of more than two decades of civil war, the South Sudan Prisons Service had fallen into a sorry state.

  8. World Press Freedom Day

    3 May 2013 South Sudan joins the global community in celebrating World Press Freedom Day on 3 May under the theme "Safe to speak: Securing Freedom of Expression in All Media".

  9. Pibor residents return home

    3 May 2013... at the UNMISS base in Pibor, Jonglei State, have returned to their homes, mission officials said today. ...

  10. UN Police mentoring local counterpart

    9 May 2013 UN Police Advisor Dalip Soni conferring with a South Sudan National Police Service officer in Juba.
