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  1. Kuron Peace Village hosts Peace Day event

    18 September 2013 17 September 2013 - Hundreds of people today celebrated the International Day of Peace in a ceremony held at the Holy Trinity Peace Village of Kuron in Eastern Equatoria State.

  2. South Sudan graduates Ex-Combatants in Mapel

    19 September 2013 18 September 2013 – Two hundred and ninety ex-combatants attended a graduation ceremony today at the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Training Center in Mapel, Western Bahr El-Gh

  3. UNMISS urges Kajo-Keji County residents to desist from mob justice

    19 September 2013 14 September 2013 - Mob justice is the wrong way to deliver justice, an UNMISS official said recently during a series of meetings held with residents of Kajo-Keji County in Central Equatoria State

  4. UNMISS engineers build road at nursing college in Wau

    26 September 2013 24 September 2013- Boosting efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality in Western Bahr El-Ghazal State, UNMISS Chinese military engineers today initiated construction of a road at a nursing sch

  5. Jonglei government recognizes work of South Korean peacekeepers

    3 October 2013... 1 October 2013 - To recognize their work and achievements, Jonglei State government presented certificates to ...

  6. Indian battalion treats livestock in Upper Nile

    14 October 2013 12 October 2013 - Recognizing the value of livestock to residents of Panyikang County, Upper Nile State, UNMISS Indian Battalion today held a free veterinary camp in Nagdiar Payam (district).

  7. Upper Nile holds workshop to remove children from army

    17 October 2013 17 October 2013 - A Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) Commander in Pinyikango County, Upper Nile State, today pledged to sign punitive order documents that there would be no more children used

  8. Traditional chiefs trained in human rights in Malakal

    17 October 2013 17 October 2013 - To boost awareness of human rights among customary leaders, UNMISS held a workshop in partnership with the Upper Nile government for 35 traditional chiefs today in the capital Mal

  9. Unity State trains peace promoters

    19 October 2013 18 October 2013 - The Justice and Peace Commission and UNMISS began a three-day training today for over 40 “peace promoters” in Rubkona County, Unity State.

  10. Human rights workshop ends in Yambio

    1 November 2013 1 November 2013 - Seeking to enhance human rights reporting, UNMISS concluded a two-day training course in the Western Equatoria State capital Yambio today.
