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  1. Refugee officials say 4,000 South Sudanese are crossing into Uganda every day

    16 February 2017 Children in Kajo-Keji on 16 January 2017. Many women and children from the area have fled to Uganda, where receiving the huge influx of refugees creates numerous challenges. The refugee office in Uganda says ...

  2. Press statement (also audio): UNMISS SRSG describes situation of displaced people in Upper Nile region as “real problem”

    16 February 2017 UNMISS SRSG David Shearer describes situation of displaced people in Upper Nile region as “real problem” Malakal, 16 February, 2017 Statement Attributable to the Office of the Spokesperson

  3. Displaced mother of six: Malakal “too dangerous for my sons”

    16 February 2017 Salua Dokha is a mother of six living in the UNMISS protection of civilians site in Malakal. She's one of the luckier ones, managing to make a living by cooking and selling food. “I sent my sons away, because...

  4. UNMISS launches repair work of 35 kilometres of road in Luri County as part of nationwide effort

    21 February 2017 UNMISS engineering troops repairing a stretch of road near Gudele Bridge, Juba. In total, UNMISS engineers from various countries are working on improving 1,200 kilometres of roads around the country. The Jap...

  5. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Business Siminar in Juba, Republic of South Sudan Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: Wednesday, 15 March 2017

    24 February 2017...   3.  Interested companies are invited to submit their EOI by email, courier or hand delivery as indicated below.  Your ...

  6. Thousands turn up to register for food aid in Leer County

    27 February 2017 Thousands of people have turned up in famine-struck Leer County to register for food aid delivered by the World Food Programme (WFP) and its humanitarian partners. Thousands of people hit by hunger in Leer Co...

  7. FAO distributes fishing kits to hunger stricken communities in Unity

    9 March 2017 09 March 2017 - Starving communities in Southern Unity have received a boost of 8,000 fishing kits from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

  8. “Killings the biggest threat to wildlife in South Sudan”: Conservationist

    13 March 2017 Juba, 13 March 2017 - The number of animals killed by poachers in South Sudan is increasing at “alarming rate,” according to a conservationist speaking to Miraya Breakfast show on

  9. Visiting UN Peacekeeping chief calls for immediate cessation of hostilities

    20 March 2017 The UN Peacekeeping chief Hervé Ladsous and the Under-Secretary General designate Jean-Pierre Lacroix are in Juba on an official visit, here in a meeting with South Sudan's first vice president Taban Deng Gai. ...

  10. Gonzaga FC wins UNMISS peace cup in Rumbek

    22 March 2017 Gonzaga FC and their opponents Zalan FC in the final of the UNMISS Sport for Peace football ...
