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  1. Women in Terekeka stand up for their rights at UNMISS-supported conference

    24 March 2023 The importance of women having the same opportunities as men, and how to reach that goal, was discussed at a conference organized by UNMISS in Terekeka. Photos: James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATOR...

  2. UNMISS renews trust and confidence through leadership seminar in Eastern Equatoria state

    27 October 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers consistently engage with host communities and authorities to explain the mission's mandated goals as it works to help build a durable peace across South Sudan. At a recent such interactive session in Eastern Eq...

  3. International Day of UN Volunteers: Adama Njie, Gambia

    5 December 2022 After a life of volunteering back home in the Gambia, Adama Njie took the plunge to become a UNV and Gender Affairs Officer in Rumbek. Photos: Nina Zubovic/Vignjevic LAKES - Born and raised in the Gam...

  4. UNMISS launches “HeForShe” campaign

    8 July 2015 8 July 2015 - By launching the “HeForShe” campaign, UNMISS was becoming part of a global movement recognizing that everyone had a role in achieving gender equality, Deputy Special Representative of

  5. Bor students participate in UNMISS-hosted intra-university peace debate

    27 September 2023 A spirited intra-university debate held by UNMISS in Bor saw 12 students argue motions on key political issues. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS JONGLEI – With the world’s youngest nation...

  6. Advocacy event for 16 Days in Juba puts young students on the centerstage

    27 November 2021 JUBA - Sensitizing young minds on equal rights for women—that was the focus of an unconventional but necessary advocacy event in Juba during the

  7. Communities of Geria, Torit East and Torit counties sign agreement to settle their disputes

    15 December 2019... now brought together by UNMISS, sit face to face to resolve their protracted conflict. Life before 1984 was nothing ...

  8. Women in Juba insist on their role in implementing new peace deal

    9 October 2018... and members of women’s groups in Juba are insisting on their crucial role to bringing lasting peace to South Sudan, in light of the ...

  9. South Sudanese women urge UN-AU-IGAD delegation to promote their right to representation in armed forces and new government

    11 May 2019... delegation from the UN, AU and IGAD, urging them to support their right to representation. Women and girls have borne ...

  10. South Sudan Olympian encourages nation to silence the guns

    27 October 2016 The UN Mission in South Sudan - UNMISS, has condemned the rising wave of insecurity in parts of the country including in Mayom County, where an attack on a convoy in Adok earlier in the week left a
