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South Sudan celebrating its fourth anniversary of independence on 9 July. Photo: UNMISS/Irene Scott
Meeting with local residents during UN Police patrol near Kuajok, Warrap State. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
Member of integrated patrol unit standing guard at UNMISS Bentiu protection site. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Billy
Vaccinating against cholera at UNMISS Juba Protection of Civilians site. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
UNMISS Bangladesh Force Marine Unit launching riverine operations on River Nile on 22 June. Marine boats are intended to protect UN barges, including those carrying humanitarian aid. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Billy
South Sudan joins the rest of the world to commemorate World Refugee Day on 20 June. According to UN agencies, an estimated half a million people have fled to neighbouring countries since conflict started in December 2013. Photo: UNHCR/F.Noy
South Sudan joins the world today to commemorate the Day of the African Child under the theme, “Right to participate: Let children be seen and heard”. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
Launch of national "Back to Learning" campaign on 3 June in Yambio, Western Equatoria. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
Child at Juba Protection of Civilians site during UN Police search for weapons and prohibited items on 3 June. Photo: UNMISS/Ilya Medvedev
Newly arrived civilians seeking refuge at UNMISS protection site in Melut, Upper Nile State. Photo: UNMISS/UN Military