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Children at UNMISS protection site in Juba attending community engagement programme organized by UN Police officers. Photo: UNMISS/Ilya Medvedev
Students at Rwandan-built Kapuri Primary School near Juba during handover ceremony on 9 February (See story below). Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
Student at Hope Primary School in Juba, where UN Police held a programme focusing on conflict resolution and sporting games on 6 February.
Fishing near Bentiu, Unity State. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
UNMISS Ethiopian peacekeeper helping displaced woman carry firewood load during patrol in Bentiu, Unity State. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
UN Mine Action Service bulldozer arriving in Unity State capital Bentiu ahead of exercise to verify and clear roads. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
UN Police officer talking to children in UNMISS protection site in Juba. Photo: UNMISS/Ilya Medvedev
Aiming to maintain law and order in UNMISS protection sites, the Bangladesh Formed Police Unit as well as the Nepalese Battalion and Formed Police Unit demonstrated riot control techniques at an event presided over by UNMISS Deputy Force Commander Brig. Gen. Ramesh Pun.
Officials carry out registration at UNMISS protection site in Juba in an exercise which revealed that there are 27122 internally displaced people at the mission’s largest site near UN House. Photo: UNMISS/Ilya Medvedev
UN Mine Action Service contractor with sniffer dog inspects recently closed protection site at UNMISS base in Tomping, Juba. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Billy