UNMISS DSRSG visits Wau to assess current situation

UNMISS DSRSG visits Wau to assess current situation

UNMISS DSRSG visits Wau to assess current situation

1 Jul 2016

UNMISS DSRSG visits Wau to assess current situation

A UN delegation led by Mr. Eugune Owusu, the UNMISS DSRSG, visited Wau to assess the current situation.  The recent fighting in the town led to civilian causalities, property damage as well as displacement of citizens.

After his arrival, he held discussions with SPLA Sector Commander in Wau. He then visited the Catholic Church in Wau where more than 7,000 citizens are taking shelter. After touring the church compound where humanitarian agencies are providing medical services, he met with some victims to hear personal testimony of the attrocity. The victims and other IDP’s expressed thank to the UNMISS for protection during such a challenging time, and appealed to the mission leadership to provide more humanitarian assistance, for the need is rising every day.


Mr. Owusu then visited the PoC site that is accommodating more than 12,000 near the UNMISS compound. During the meeting which also included UN Funds and Agencies operating on the ground, he commended the quality of the response.


“The quality of partnership between all UN bodies on the ground was very good,” Mr. Owusu said. “You delivered good results together as one,” he added.


According to Mr. Owusu, one of the biggest challenges the UNMISS faces is resources. “We will reach out to our major donors to properly respond to the existing humanitarian needs,” he said.


“As we provide attention to the immediate humanitarian needs, in the weeks ahead, we will see if there is a way of helping the IDP’s return back to their homes,” the DSRSG stressed.