
Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers development elections constitution capacity building community-based solutions workshop protection women

In Maiwut, some 53 community members came together to discuss sustainable community-based solutions to overarching protection concerns at a workshop hosted by UNMISS. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers justice military Forces accountability capacity building rule of law

Supported by UNMISS, an SSPDF Justice Directorate assessment mission in Maridi, Western Equatoria evaluated pending cases concerning uniformed personnel. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers Quick Impact Projects QIPs police post station security

A handover of a newly constructed police post by UNMISS through its Quick Impact Projects programme has brought confidence to residents in Magwi County. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers peacebuilding animals veterinary camp livestock cattle

In a year-long, ongoing livestock health campaign, peacekeeping veterinaries from Ghana have so far treated more than 23,000 animals across Unity State. Photo by Peter Bateman/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers Cambodia military police profile International Women's Day

Colonel Maysaros Chea, Commanding Officer of the peacekeeping mission’s Military Police contingent, is proud of her gender-balanced staff. Photos: Nektarios Markogiannis/UNMISS.
